Yi Shun Yuan RSS

Introduction and effects of cinnabar
What is cinnabar?Since ancient times, people have had a mysterious love for cinnabar. In Feng Shui, cinnabar has always been used to ward off evil spirits. It is a pure yang thing that prevents all evils from invading. Therefore, cinnabar...
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The efficacy and meaning of amber
Blue amber or blue amber is one of the relatively rare varieties of amber, and because it turns blue to varying degrees under daily sunlight, it is different from the warm colors of general amber such as red, yellow, brown...
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Introduction and effects of agarwood
Agarwood is the most precious woody plant in the world. After the tree body is damaged, it produces "fragrance" to repair itself. After decades or even centuries of knotting, its unique moist soil and woody aroma is extracted. , making...
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